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Zenroren Affiliated Organizations

21 Industrial Federations

1. All Japan Construction, Transport and General Unions (CTG, KENKORO)

2. All-Japan Metal and Information Machinery Workers’ Unions (JMIU)

3. All-Japan Federation of Automobile Transport Workers’ Unions (JIKO-SOREN)

4. National Federation of Ship Cargo Checkers’ Unions (KENSU-ROREN)

5. Telecommunication Industry Workers’ Unions (TSUSHINROSO)

6. National Federation of Consumers’ Cooperatives Workers’ Unions (SEIKYOROREN)

7. Zenroren ? National Union of General Workers (Zenroren ? ZENKOKU-IPPAN)

8. Textile and Clothing Industries Workers’ Union (SENI-SANRO)

9. National Federation of Finance Workers’ Unions (KIN-YU-ROREN)

10. General Federation of Japan Printing and Publishing Workers’ Unions (ZENINSOREN)

11. Japan Federation of Commercial Broadcasting Workers’ Unions (MINPOROREN)

12. Film and Allied Industry Workers’ Unions (EISANRO)

13. General Federation of Cinema and Theatrical Workers' Unions of Japan(EIENSOREN)

14. Japan Federation of Medical Workers’ Unions (NIHON-IROREN)

15. National Union of Welfare and Childcare Workers (FUKUSHI-HOIKURO)

16. All-Japan Pensioners’ Union (NENKINSHA-KUMIAI)

17. Japan Federation of National Public Service Employees’ Unions (KOKKO-ROREN)

18. Japan Federation of Prefectural and Municipal Workers’ Unions (JICHIROREN)

19. All-Japan Federation of Teachers’ and Staff Unions (ZENKYO)

20. Postal Industry Workers’ Union (YUSANRO)

21. Liaison Council of Labor Unions in Public Corporations (TOKUSHUHOJIN-ROREN)

* 47 Prefectural Federations out of 47 prefectures in Japan

〒113-8462 東京都文京区湯島2−4−4全労連会館4F TEL(03)5842-5611 FAX(03)5842-5620

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